Fair Summary

Booth Installation: From 8:30 to 17:30, April 16-17, 2025

Opening Hours: From 9:00 to 18:00, April 18-20, 2025; From 9:00 to 16:00, April 21, 2025 (4 days)

Booth Dismantling: From 16:00 on April 21, 2025

Venue: Xiamen International Conference & Exhibition Center, Fujian Province, P. R. China

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Thank You and See You Next Year

Author:管理员 Time:2019/11/28 15:59:43

HAPPY THX GIVING and Thank You for Attending

Starting from 2010, Xiamen Tea Fair has been successfully held for 10 years, and becomes more influential and better known year by year. For catering to the demand of tea industry's consumer market, from 2018, the fair started to be held twice a year.

This year, Xiamen Tea Fair (Autumn Edition) had been held with approximately 1500 exhibitors from 15 countries and regions. The gross exhibiting area had reached 75,000sqm in total. The number of people who enter the fair had reached 28.8 thousands within 5 days. Within them, 16.3 thousands person-time visitors are professional purchasers.

Xiamen Tea Fair, your 1st choice

2020 Xiamen Tea Fair will be held on 21-25 May (Spring Edition) and 15-19 October (Autumn Edition).

The spring edition will be a pluralistic platform for tea people from all generations. Besides traditional tea product, exhibits will covers new beverages such as bubble tea, bottle tea, their relative design and packaging.

The autumn edition will keep focusing its theme on traditional tea industry as pass ten years. Loose leave tea, tea wares, machinery from different culture will be exhibited.

Special events will also be held to support the exhibition. Exhibitors and visitors can enjoy the tea ceremony performances and discussed their concept with guest speakers in the forums and seminars.


Xiamen Jinhongxin Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Add: Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Center, Xiamen, China 

P.C.: 361008
Web: www.teafair.com.cn
E-mail: info@teafair.com.cn