Fair Summary

Booth Installation: From 8:30 to 17:30, April 16-17, 2025

Opening Hours: From 9:00 to 18:00, April 18-20, 2025; From 9:00 to 16:00, April 21, 2025 (4 days)

Booth Dismantling: From 16:00 on April 21, 2025

Venue: Xiamen International Conference & Exhibition Center, Fujian Province, P. R. China

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Season's Greetings from Xiamen Tea Fair

Author:管理员 Time:2020/12/21 11:12:10

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Dear tea lovers:

Merry Christmas !
In 2020, the world was faced an unprecedented challenge, and we wish all our friends keep healthy and joyful in next coming year.

At this special time, Xiamen Tea Fair was convened on October 15th-19th, had took up 75,000 square meters of exhibiting space, with 3,800 international standard booth. Life-stream and online exhibition were started to be used as a new approach for visitors who cannot attend to participated the fair

We would like to thank all of our friends for continuing your love of tea, and hope to see you next year. Hope you enjoy your holiday!

Yours Sincerely,
Xiamen Tea Fair

In 2021, Xiamen Tea Fair will be held on 6-10 May (Spring Edition) and 14-18 Oct (Autumn Edition). Furthermore, we will bring our fair to Shanghai, which will exhibit on 16-19 Dec.

The exhibition is now turning into a major tea procurement platform for the industry. Our aim is to gain a win-win result, to enable our exhibitors to spot more opportunities, and find more effective channels to integrate resources from domestic and foreign markets.

Xiamen Jinhongxin Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Add: Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Center
Xiamen, China | P.C.: 361008
Tel: 0086-592-5959888 | Fax: 0086-592-5959611 |
E-mail: info@teafair.com.cn | Web: Click Here